By-law Development

By-laws are not static documents. They are evolving. At times small changes need to occur and at others entire reviews need to be made.
We undertake reviews of all levels of Municipal and Planning District By-laws, as well as Land Use Plans for Reserve Communities.
This includes text and map amendment and whole-by-law repeal and replacement.
Dynamic By-law Adaptation
Stay ahead in an ever-changing regulatory landscape with Barnes and Duncan’s comprehensive by-law review services. Our expertise extends to all Reserve Communities, to Manitoba’s 137 municipalities and to the 31 planning districts within Manitoba, ensuring your by-laws remain current and effective. Whether it’s a nuanced text amendment or a strategic map update, we handle the evolution of your by-laws with precision, keeping your policies aligned with the latest in land-use planning trends and legislative changes.
Development Plan Mastery
Our Planning Department is well-versed in the complexities of Development Plan By-laws, adeptly guiding municipalities and planning districts through the meticulous process of review and amendment. Our seasoned team navigates the Provincial Planning Regulation with ease, offering tailored solutions that reflect your area’s unique character and long-term vision.
We translate planning principles into actionable by-laws, creating robust frameworks for sustainable community development.
Zoning By-law Expertise
Zoning regulations are the backbone of orderly development, and our team at Barnes and Duncan specializes in crafting zoning by-laws that promote balanced growth. From small textual tweaks to comprehensive overhauls, we ensure your zoning by-laws are practical, enforceable, and designed to attract progressive development opportunities. With our
assistance, zoning becomes an empowering tool for communities, fostering an environment where development thrives.
Collaborative Land Use Planning for Reserve Communities
We at Barnes and Duncan carry a deep respect for the sovereignty and traditions of Indigenous communities. Our collaborative approach in developing Land Use Plans for local reserves is grounded in cultural sensitivity and a commitment to self-determined development. We bring our planning expertise to the table, working alongside community leaders to create Land Use Plans that honor indigenous values while paving the way for future prosperity.
Comprehensive Secondary Plan Formulation
Our strategic review of Secondary Plan By-laws positions municipalities to capitalize on specific area development, ensuring that local plans integrate seamlessly with broader municipal objectives. Barnes and Duncan’s nuanced approach considers economic, social, and environmental factors, delivering Secondary Plans that serve as blueprints for vibrant and resilient communities.