Municipal Design

As it pertains to municipal engineering, much of the realm of responsibility is underground which to the public is out of sight and out of mind. Municipal engineering is often taken for granted until roads develop potholes or watermains break. To Barnes & Duncan Municipal Engineering is more than just building roads and putting pipes in the ground – it’s about providing consumers with a superior level of service that they can count on.
Land Development & Storm Water Management
Land development and Storm Water Management are core skills at Barnes & Duncan. We have been providing professional services in the land development field for over 100 years. We are proficient at preparing small and large scale subdivision grading plans.
Subdivision Design
We design small to large scale subdivisions implementing municipal components appropriate to the project area. Land development and design of watermains, sewermains, forcemains, pump stations, residential services, road works, drainage and lot grading are just a handful of the services provided in this sector. We are familiar with many local standards and specifications.
Sewer and Water Modeling
We are equipped to handle larger scale wastewater collection and water distribution projects. Using the latest design software, we are able to model comprehensive municipal systems and apply the appropriate design criteria to produce sewer and water networks consistent with today’s design standards.