Lot Grading/Servicing

Lot grading and lot service plans within the City of Winnipeg and the greater area provide an opportunity for Barnes & Duncan to work with a wide variety of clients; this can range from developers who build tens of houses every year to a family building their dream home in the country. We work with our clients and their house plans to provide a comprehensive product that can be used for regulatory approval and eventual construction. Barnes & Duncan has been providing lot grade and service plans for over 10 years and in that time we have gained experience and knowledge required to troubleshoot any scenario.
Lot Grade Plan
Lot Grade Plans integrate house plans, design grades and landscape grading features with the existing surface works (sidewalks, roads, back lanes) in the area. The key idea is to not drain stormwater runoff onto neighbouring properties. This can be accomplished with proper grading techniques, retaining walls, swales and many other methods.
Lot Service Plan
A Lot Service Plan for the typical lot includes the design of rough in lines for sewer and water services. Special consideration is taken depending on the size and material of the City’s infrastructure (sewer and water mains), if the building is larger than normal, has multiple units or has a deep foundation.
Storm Water Management Plan
Depending on the size and location of the development property a Storm Water Management Plan may be required. This includes storm water calculations and a Land Drainage System including catch basin placement.