Infrastructure Asset Management

Infrastructure asset management is a set of strategies in sustaining infrastructure assets. We will take a client’s objectives and develop a plan to improve the infrastructure at the lowest lifecycle cost. Generally, the process focuses on life cycle asset upgrading measures including maintenance, rehabilitation, and replacement. We use software tools to organize and implement these strategies with the ultimate goal to preserve and extend the service life of long-term infrastructure assets which are vital underlying components in maintaining a strong level of service.
Asset management is essential to the development of an understanding of what needs are most important and how they can be addressed.
Developing a Plan
Plan development is important to provide clients with a tool to assist in planning improvements by properly matching the maintenance and rehabilitation method with the condition. The objective is to extend the life of the infrastructure and reduce lifecycle costs.
Infrastructure Assessments
Assessing the condition of your infrastructure is the first step toward making cost saving changes in your community. From roads to hydrants to manholes – we can do it.
Prioritizing Repairs & Reconstruction
With a condition assessment in hand we then identify the cost implications to upgrade infrastructure evaluated to the desired level of service along with the assigning of a prioritized rehabilitation / repair plan. Prioritizing repairs is different for every client and we understand that. We can customize the decision making process to suit your needs.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
When all the data gathering is complete we can insert the data into a GIS platform such as TownSuite® which maps all of your assets. For more information visit our TownSuite® page.